Our Roadmap

The Roadmap outlines the development plans for Linkage Finance.

The Roadmap outlines the development plans for Linkage Finance. It includes all major components including the Linkage Indexes, the Linkage DApp and the first version of our Linkage Protocols. Moreover, we will put a big focus on making partnerships within the Cardano ecosystem and building up a vibrant community on Social Media.

Q3 2023

• Development of Linkage Finance Protocol

• Development of Linkage Finance Interface

• Private Testnet of Protocol and DApp

Q3-Q4 2023

• Public Testnet Phase 1 of Protocol and DApp

Q1 2024

• Public Testnet Phase 2 of Protocol and DApp

• Linkage Finance Community Forum

• LinkageFinance Governance Vote

Q2 2024

• Testnet Phase 3 of Linkage Interface and protocol

Q3 2024 and beyond

• Security audit of Linkage protocol

• Mainnet Launch of Interface and Protocol v1

• Development of Linkage Finance v2

• The Linkage journey continues

Last updated